Headstart - Over the holidays: Sharing Jesus at Work | City Bible Forum

Headstart - Over the holidays: Sharing Jesus at Work

Fri 26 Nov 2021

Matt is an Audio-Visual Support Technician from Melbourne and first joined Headstart this year. We interviewed him about his Headstart experience and about the Sharing Jesus at Work course and why he’d recommend it to others.

This year was your first time at Headstart, how did you hear about it and how did you find it?

I spent a lot of time last year with Christian Union at Deakin University and when I shared that I had secured a new job and no longer had time to participate, I was told that there was a very similar group specifically for young workers! As a new Christian, it's been valuable for me to surround myself with people who can support me as I grow, because it’s important to be in submission to Christ’s lordship in all the decisions I have to make. Having others around who have already faced these challenges provides a source of wisdom and encouragement and helps me to distinguish worldly advice that’s good from Godly advice that's better. This is something I’ve appreciated about the Headstart community this year.

What's something you've liked about Headstart, and has kept you coming back?

I’ve appreciated the chance to spend time with Christians my age in the workplace and explore as a group how to navigate the challenges that today’s culture brings to our Christian walk.

How has Headstart challenged you this year?

I have been challenged to be more generous with what I’ve been given and make the most of my opportunities to serve and evangelize in my context.

You did the Sharing Jesus at Work discussion group. For those who haven’t heard of it, can you explain a little about it and what you particularly found helpful from it?

Sharing Jesus at Work is a short course that helps us to reach non-Christians in our workplaces with the gospel in a post Christian world. It’s a space to share about your successes and struggles in having conversations about Jesus and offering advice to help each other. What I found helpful was to consider core values that all people have and be ready to share how you have found them satisfied in Jesus.

How has the course helped shape and/or changed the way you think about workplace evangelism?

The course has reminded me to notice what people are trying to get out of life and to meet them where they are at.

Would you encourage others to do it?

I would encourage others to take part in this program so that they can be accountable to one another and more intentional about sharing the gospel. This course equips Christian workers to be best prepared for each opportunity to share Jesus at work.

If you’d like to know more about the course Sharing Jesus at Work or do it for yourself or with a group visit: https://citybibleforum.org/city/page/sharing-jesus-work