Post COVID Workplace Extended Q&A | City Bible Forum

Post COVID Workplace Extended Q&A

Are you living as salt and light in this post-COVID world?
Wed 5 Aug 2020

An extended Q&A following the live streamed Post COVID Workplace event.

-- Questions:

1. How might we navigate and respond to people/colleagues who are angry with God because of COVID occurring?

2. Some of us have lost their jobs.. and others perhaps in the near future.. paid "work" is a distant hope. Any insights?

3. Is there something special about being physically present that we will never capture in an online meeting? Can workplace ministry survive online?

4. Creative suggestions for friendly body language/ strategies when can’t smile at people or shake hands, particularly people you are meeting for the first time

5. Many work places have not changed - e.g. building sites, nursing, home services etc. We do not all work in offices!
