Ep 93: What happens when we die? | City Bible Forum

Ep 93: What happens when we die?

Do we die and rot, or is there hope? A conversation sure to get you thinking.
Sun 3 Dec 2017
Bible reference(s): 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17

What happens when we die?

We ask this question to historian and academic Dr. Mark Stephens.

Mark is a lecturer in Biblical and Integrative Studies at Excelsia College in Sydney. He has a PhD in Ancient History from Macquarie University, where he studied cosmic eschatology in the book of Revelation.

Mark explains what what cosmic eschatology is and why he studied it. He explains the three main views about what people believe happens after you die and then shares which of those is most persuasive to him.

We ask Dr. Mark Stephens some bigger questions.

This episode was recorded privately at Ridley College in Melbourne in September 2016.

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