The Smith Lecture | City Bible Forum
What do Christians have to say to our society?

The Smith Lecture provides an annual forum for the intellectually curious to hear the perspective of a Christian public figure on an issue relevant to the life of our nation.

Previous lectures have included: scientist and mathematician Dr John Lennox explored whether science had 'buried' God; economist Prof Ian Harper explored whether The Global Financial Crisis was a crisis of trust; and historian Prof Edwin Judge discussed the paradox of private faith and public reality.

The Smith Lecture continues the legacy of the late Bruce Smith. He believed in the broad significance of the Christian message of reconciliation with God through the person and work of Jesus Christ.


Anna McGahan | 12 Dec 2019
Was Jesus an artist or an advertising guru?
Os Guinness | 31 May 2018
Never has the view of humans made in the image of God been more necessary and more timely
Kate Harrison Brennan | 26 Oct 2017
But does beauty still transcend?
Bruce Robinson | 20 Oct 2016
For the teenagers of today there is a thin red line between fun and catastrophe
Roy Williams | 5 Nov 2015
Christianity is perceived as implausible, undesirable or irrelevant. Does it matter?
Patrick Parkinson | 21 Oct 2013
A story of moral failure?
Patricia Weerakoon | 6 Sep 2012
What does our sexuality tell us about God?
Ken Handley | 1 Oct 2002
Evolutionary accident or hard-wired?