Ep 191b: How do we learn to have better conversations about God - Part 2 | City Bible Forum

Ep 191b: How do we learn to have better conversations about God - Part 2

An atheist and Christian philosopher conclude their discussion
Sun 21 Mar 2021
Bible reference(s): Proverbs 11.2

If we avoid the demonization, disagreements can be positive.
- Jonathan Haidt

The question of the reality of God is a question which polarises and divides. Why is there such passionate disagreement? Does what we believe even matter? Would it be better people simply stopped bringing it up?

And yet, while there has been a rise in "no religion", those who subscribe to a belief in God still make up more than half of the Australian population. Now more than ever, we need better conversations.

This conversation goes beyond shouting and simple arguments, as two eminent philosophers from differing worldviews engage in thoughtful conversation, helping us to pause, listen better and engage one of life's biggest questions.

Our first guest is Professor Graham Oppy. Graham is Professor of Philosophy at Monash University. His research interests include the philosophy of language and aesthetics and the philosophy of religion. He has written numerous books including ‘Arguing about gods’.

Our other guest is Professor Greg Restall. Greg is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Melbourne where he teaches philosophy and logic. He has published over 80 articles and is the author of three books and blogs at consequently.org.

This is part 2 of a two part conversation.

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